President Obama has already etched his name in the history books, with an unrivaled legacy of accomplishment. He's done more to fundamentally transform America (as he promised he would) than all the other dictators who've ever tried, from King George III to Kim Jong Il. And in less than four short years! No wonder this year's election finds him the overwhelming favorite of key constituents, including former Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev. Hey, speaking of the president's campaign promises, much has been spoken recently about the promise he made in 2008 that he'd "cut the deficit in half." Republicans, tea partiers, people who own a business, talk radio hosts, and other enemies of the revolution keep bringing it up, like it's going to hurt the Obama juggernaut. But the fact is, we all misunderstood that 2008 promise. What he meant was, he'd cut in half the TIME it would take to DOUBLE the deficit. Which is exactly what he did! It took his predecessor eight years (including two with a spendthrift liberal Congress) to ratchet up four trillion (with a "trill") in new U.S. debt, leaving us with an $8 trillion problem Mr. Obama called "unpatriotic." He meant that Bush didn't dig that hole near deep enough! Piker! Mr. Obama, by the end of his first term, will have doubled the deficit George W. Bush left him in 2009. And consider all the other campaign promises Mr. Obama made four years ago which we are now misremembering. Eliminate earmarks? You mean accelerate them! No lobbyists in my White House? You mean a newfangled spoils system under which any new hires had to have sparkling lobbyist credentials! Close Gitmo? You mean sign an executive order to close Gitmo, but not actually allow it to be closed! End the wars? You mean extend them, and invite the Taliban back into power in Afghanistan! Restore America's world standing? You mean establish America's world bowing! Unemployment will never go above eight percent? You mean it'll never go BELOW eight percent... and it never has! Bam! Yes, if there's ever been a man of his word out there on the campaign trail, it's been Barack H. Obama. And people who had no hope and change four years ago now have plenty of both. People who don't think they can take care of themselves are flocking to Mr. Obama's loser-friendly message by the dozens. People who will occupy anything but a job can't wait to return the president for four more glorious years! People like Gorbachev, for instance. As we learn daily in the national media, there's nothing wrong with America today that can't still be blamed on the guy who left the country in such a mess almost four years ago. You remember - when gas was around $1.90, unemployment was around four percent, and our national deficit was around $8 trillion. Look at any of these indicators, and it's easy to see why Demediacrats everywhere say Barack Obama is twice the president Bush was! And in half the time! Only hard-core capitalist pigs want that Bush mess back. And how. Michael Hume is a speaker, writer, and consultant specializing in helping people maximize their potential and enjoy inspiring lives. As part of his inspirational leadership mission, he coaches executives and leaders in growing their personal sense of well-being through wealth creation and management, along with personal vitality.
Twice The Crime, In Half The Time!
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