The Art of the Funny Prank

I've discovered old Candid Camera episodes on YouTube. And I miss Captain Jenks from the Howard Stern show. These people knew the art of the prank.

Pranks aren't always clean. They aren't always nice and they are rarely without repercussions. That's what makes them so amusing. The guy doing the prank usually knows there will be a backlash.

Guys if you want to play good pranks, specially kids get an adult with sound judgment involved, do not get into trouble and don't be disrespectful. Some pranks create great laughs all around others well. April Fool's day is legally allowed to play jokes and pranks on your friends, family and co-workers and have a built-in excuse.

One can find the list of good pranks on the internet.

It made me think of the 5 things that define the art of the funny prank.

1) Mellow lead up.

The best pranks have a very mellow beginning. A quiet dinner. A stroll through the park, etc. It's a must to start slow.

2) Something completely out of place.

A prank can't even survive unless something unexpected happens. A nice guy gets into a fight. A gorilla gets loose in a butterfly sanctuary. You know, it needs to be completely out of left field.

3) The victim must be an empathetic person.

A funny prank is made 20 times funnier when you see the shock and awe on the victims face. In order to be shocked by a prank you must choose someone who will truly be filled with empathy when he sees the world crumbling in front of him.

4) Confusion and Chaos

Funny pranks make great use of chaos. This is the best way to make sure the victim will not catch on that it's a prank. When there is too much information coming at them, they have little time to process the fact that they are being punked. So keep it crazy at the height of the prank

5) An easy escape

The best pranks you will see have an easy and fast escape button. Don't let the prank get out of hand and make sure all the 'players' know the ending signal. After all you want to get to the best part... that's when you look at your friend with a big grin and he realizes what has happened.

If you follow these five simple steps you too can perpetuate a funny prank.

Good luck!